"a renaissance man... a source of inspiration and pride to our Oxonian community."

The Oxford Student, Feb 18, 2022

"Dr. Pichhadze is a prolific and energetic thinker in the field of Tax Law."

Cambridge Tax Discussion Group, University of Cambridge, 2021

"Dr. Amir has all the best qualities a teacher should possess."

Rachael Sykes, Commerce Student, Deakin University, 2019

"Amir demonstrated a strong and deep understanding of the material he was teaching."

Andrew Xue, JD Student, University of Michigan Law School, 2014

"His presentation was a crucial part of understanding the transfer pricing cases."

Deus Mugabe, Tax LLM Student, Queen Mary University of London, 2021

"His knowledge and legal research skills are excellent. Additionally, he is a true inspirer who is always committed to his work and dedicated to helping his students."

Anh Thu Tran. LLM Student, Deakin University, 2020

"It was a pleasure to observe his enthusiasm and effectiveness as a lecturer. Amir succeeded in making an otherwise complicated and technical topic appear simple and interesting to the class."

Poonam Khaira Sidhu, Principle Chief Commissioner of Income Tax at the Indian Revenue Service. LLM Student in International Tax, University of Michigan Law School, 2014

“… it gives me immense pleasure to say that by far this is the unit in which I have learnt most. And all the credit goes to the unit chair Dr. Amir Pichhadze … he is one of the best teachers that taught us ..."

Neha S., LLM Student, Deakin University, 2019

    “an inquisitive and insightful scholar with interests and capabilities in a wide range of subjects … “

    The Oxford Student, Feb. 18, 2022


    10/2020 – 10/2021, MSc in Education - Higher Education,  University of Oxford, UK

    07/2019 – 03/2020, Graduate Certificate of Higher Education Learning and Teaching, Deakin University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    09/2013 – 05/2017, Doctor of the Science of Law (S.J.D.), University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

    09/2012 – 05/2013, Master of Laws - International Tax (LL.M.), University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

    08-2008– 08-2009, National Committee on Accreditation (NCA), University of Toronto - Faculty of Law, Toronto, Canada
    09/2007 – 06/2008, Master of Laws Taxation (LL.M.), London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK

    09/2003 – 05/2006, Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK

    Find my work in the following publications


    Journal Articles

    Pichhadze, Amir. (Dec 17, 2024). “When is an Artwork Finished? Revisiting the Question." Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics and Art.” 

    Pichhadze, Amir. 2020. “Transfer Pricing and the Arm’s Length Principle After BEPS, by R. S. Collier and J. L. Andrus.” British Tax Review 2: 241-252.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir. 2017. “The Role of Contract Interpretation in Transfer Pricing Law: Lessons from Canada.” Canadian Tax Journal 65, no. 4: 849-892.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir. 2017. “The Non-Recognition and Recharacterisation of Contracts in Transfer Pricing: Exposing the Tensions with Private Contract Law.” New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy 23, no. 4: 516-532.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir and Reuven S. Avi-Yonah. 2017. “GAARs and the Nexus Between Statutory Interpretation and Legislative Drafting: Lessons for the U.S. from Canada.” Global Taxation (March). [Reprint]  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir and Reuven S. Avi-Yonah. 2016. “GAARs and the Nexus Between Statutory Interpretation and Legislative Drafting: Lessons for the U.S. from Canada.” Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium 7, no. 1: 1-24.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir. 2016. “Delineating the Terms of a Single Composite Transaction in Transfer Pricing: The Role of Step-Transaction Analysis in the Aggregation of Interrelated (Linked) Contracts.” International Transfer Pricing Journal 23, no. 3: 179-199.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir. 2015. “The Arm’s Length Comparable in Transfer Pricing: A Search for an “Actual” or a “Hypothetical” Transaction?” World Tax Journal 7, no. 3: 383-416.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir. 2015. “Exposing Unaddressed Issues in the OECD’s BEPS Project: What About the Roles and Implications of Contract Interpretation Law and Private International Law in the Transfer Pricing Arm’s Length Comparability Analysis?” World Tax Journal 7, no. 1: 99-167.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir. 2015. “Allocation of Income and Deductions among Taxpayers under Section 482 of the United States Internal Revenue Code: Alerting the Courts to the Role of Contractual Interpretation Law in the Transfer Pricing Arm’s Length Comparability Analysis.” International Transfer Pricing Journal 22, no. 3: 156-166.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir. 2015. “Contractual Interpretation in Tax Disputes: Insights from Canada.” Tax Notes International 79, no. 8: 685-695.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir. 2014. “Calling on U.S. Courts to Adopt Canada’s Unified Approach to Statutory Interpretation.” The Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 15, no. 1: 1-18.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir. 2013. “Can, and Should, the Parol Evidence Rule be Invoked By or Against Tax Authorities in Tax Litigation? Distilling Lessons from U.S. Jurisprudence.” Bulletin for International Taxation 67, no. 9: 474-490.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir. May/June 2013. “Canada’s Transfer Pricing Test in the Aftermath of GlaxoSmithKline Inc. v. R.: A Critique of the ‘Reasonable Business Person Test.” International Transfer Pricing Journal 20, no. 3: 144-162.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir. 2013. “Input Tax Credits: What Canada’s Federal Court of Appeal Could Have Learned from the U.K. VAT.” Tax Notes International 70, no. 3: 267-282.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir. 2008. “Making the Case for Increased Judicial Globalization in Consumption Tax Law.” Canadian Tax Journal 56, no. 2: 367-388.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir. 2008. “Proposals for Reforming the Law of Self-Defence.” Journal of Criminal Law 72, no. 5: 409-440. (EN)

    Pichhadze, Aviv and Amir Pichhadze. 2007. “Economic Substance Doctrine: Time for a Legislative Response.” Tax Notes International 48, no.1: 61-65.  (EN)

    Newspaper Articles

    Pichhadze, Amir . 2022. “Rethinking Tax Pedagogy at Oxford: Proposals by Dr. Amir Pichhadze.” Oxford Blue. July 1, 2022.
    Pichhadze, Amir . 2021. “Overcoming Darkness: Examples And Inspiration From Jewish History” The Oxford Student, February 27, 2021.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir. 2020. “Tutorials Without Tutors?” The Oxford Student, December 4, 2020.  (EN)

    Pichhadze, Amir. 2020. “The Path Towards Peace in the Middle East.” The Oxford Student, October 21, 2020.  (EN)

    Book Chapters

    Avi-Yonah, Reuven and Amir Pichhadze. 2018. “Formulating a General Anti-Abuse Rule (GAAR) in Tax Legislation: Insights and recommendations.” In The Routledge Companion to Tax Avoidance Research, edited by Hashimzade, Nigar and Yuliya Epifantseva. London: Routledge, 117-136.


    Academic Degrees


    04/2022, Guest Lecturer, Saint Petersburg University of Economics, Russia, (Course: International Tax)
    03/2021, Guest Lecturer, Tax Law LLM, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK (Course: Transfer Pricing)

    06/2017 – 03/2020, Lecturer (Full time), Faculty of Business and Law, Deakin University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (Courses: Taxation; Contracts; supervision of postgraduate research)

    03/2018, Guest Lecturer, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Course: Taxation of Cross-Border Transactions)

    03/2018, Guest Lecturer, Boston University School of Law, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (Program: Graduate Tax Program Lecture Series)

    03/2018, Guest Lecturer, Law Department, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK (Program: LSE Taxation Seminars)

    12/2017, Guest Lecturer, The Australian Taxation Office, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    09/2014 – 12/2014, Guest Lecturer, University of Michigan Law School, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA (Course: Consumption Taxes)

    Judicial Clerkship

    08/2009 – 08/2010, Law Clerk, Law Clerk Program, Tax Court of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    Research Fellowships

    05/2018, Visiting Scholar, Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Munich, Germany

    05/2018, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Vienna, Austria

    2012 - 2014, Michigan Grotius Fellowship Award,  University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

    2013,  Second Prize, 2013 Annual Law Student Essay Competition, American Judges Association, USA

    Editorial  Activities

    07/2018 – 03/2020, Co-Editor, Deakin Law Review, Deakin Law School Deakin University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    Ad hoc Journal Article Reviewer

    Australian Journal of Clinical Education

    The Australian Educational Researcher

    Australian Tax Review

    Dialogue: the Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy

    Journal of Scholarly Engagement 
    Journal of Applied Accounting Research

    Revenue Law Journal

    eJournal of Tax Research

    Journal of Tax Administration

    World Tax Journal 


    Memberships & Affiliations

    2017 – 2019, Australasian Law Teachers Association (ALTA), Australia

    2017 – 2019, Australasian Tax Teachers’ Association (ATTA), Australia

    2017 – 2019, International Fiscal Association – Australian Branch (IFA), Australia

    2013 – Present, Lifetime Member, Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, USA


    December, 2022. “Justice Education: Rethinking the Approach to Clinical Tax Education." GAJE-IJCLE-SAULCA Worldwide Conference on Justice Education, South Africa.
    March 14, 2022. “Tax Pedagogy: the Way Forward.” Presentation at Students' Research in Educational Studies 2022, University of Oxford, UK. [Online]
    March 4, 2021. “Correctly Delineating Transactions in Taxation: The Need for an Intradisciplinary Approach.” Presentation at the Cambridge Tax Discussion Group, University of Cambridge, UK. [Online]

    February 22, 2021. “Academic Publication: Ethical Considerations.” Presentation at the Center for Global Higher Education (CGHE). [Online]

    February 15, 2021. “Teaching Tax Law: The Need for an Intradisciplinary Analysis.” Presentation at the Oxford-Cambridge Exchange 2021. [Online]

    February 8, 2021. “Contractual Interpretation in Transfer Pricing: Do Courts Have a Duty, and the Authority, to Address This Issue If It Was Not Pleaded?” Presentation at the 2021 Postdoctoral International Tax Forum (PITF), IBFD, Amsterdam, Netherlands. [Online]

    December 8, 2020. “Rethinking the Tax Law Curricula.” Presentation at the Oxford Education and Women’s Leadership Symposium. [Online]

    Oct 1, 2020, “A Call to Rethink the Tax Law Curricula: The Need for an Internationalised and Comparative Analysis of Taxation.” Presentation at the Cambridge Tax Discussion Group, University of Cambridge, UK. [Online]

    Nov 13, 2019, “Teaching taxation in LL.B. and J.D. courses: the need for an internationalized and comparative approach.” Working Paper presented at Deakin University’s 2019 Learning & Teaching Conference. Deakin University, Australia.

    July 9, 2018. “Reinterpreting and Redrafting Australia’s Transfer Pricing Legislation Based on the Principles (Presumptions) of ‘Legality’ and ‘Certainty’”. Paper presented at the 2018 Queensland Tax Researchers Symposium. Griffith Business School, Australia.

    May 1, 2018. Presentation at the Postdoctoral International Tax Forum (PITF).  IBFD, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    April 14, 2018. "Delineating Transactions with 'Mixed Supplies' in Transfer Pricing Law: The Need to Transplant Guiding Principles from Consumption Tax Law". Paper presented at the Junior Scholars’ Conference.  University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.

    February 23, 2018. “Interpretation in Transfer Pricing Law: Lessons for the United States Post-BEPS”. Paper presented at the 13th Annual International Conference on Contracts.  School of Law, Barry University, Orlando, Florida, USA.

    January 18, 2018. “The Need to Share the Burden of Self-enforcement in the International Coordination of Transfer Pricing Guidelines. Paper presented at “Sharing the Burden – Tax Reforms Shifting Winners and Losers”, The Australian Tax Teachers Association 30th Annual Conference.  Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

    October 23, 2017. Work in progress on development of value added taxes in Canada, the U.K., and the U.S. Presented at the Spiegel Sohmer Tax Policy Colloquium.  Faculty of Law, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

    July 3, 2017. “Delineating the Contractual Terms in Transfer Pricing: The Ongoing Need for Supplementary Guidance post-BEPS”. Paper presented at the 8th Queensland Tax Researcher Symposium.  Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia.

    April 26, 2017. “Legislative Authorization of Administrative Powers in Transfer Pricing: Addressing the Tensions with Contract Law”. Paper presented at the Tax Administration Research Centre’s 5th Annual Workshop.  Tax Administration Research Centre (TARC), University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.

    April 21, 2016. “The Role and Implications of Contract Interpretation in Transfer Pricing”. Paper presented at the Tax Administration Research Centre’s 4th Annual Workshop.  Tax Administration Research Centre (TARC), University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.

    May 22, 2015. “Transplanting Consumption Tax Principles to Guide the Question of When to Unbundle Transactions in the Transfer Pricing Analysis”. Paper presented at the Doctoral Meeting of Researchers in International Taxation (DocMIT).  IBFD, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    May 21, 2015. “Obstacles in the International Coordination of a Substance-Over-Form Requirement in Transfer Pricing”. Paper presented at “Substance and Form in Tax Law”, the 2nd Inter-disciplinary Symposium on International Taxation.  IBFD, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    July 10, 2014. “The Achilles’ Heel of Internationally Coordinated Regulatory Regimes: Lessons from the International Transfer Pricing Regime”. Paper presented at “The Institutional Foundations of Capitalism”, 26th Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE).  Chicago, Illinois, USA.

    May 2, 2014. “The Conflict Between the Objectives of the International Transfer Pricing Regime and Domestic Contractual Interpretation Law”. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Toronto Group Conference.  Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    February 22, 2014. “Transfer Pricing and Contractual Interpretation”. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Conference on Contracts (KCON).  St. Thomas University School of Law, Miami, Florida, USA.

    November 22, 2013. Poster presentation at the Graduate Student Research Forum. Presented at the National Tax Association’s 106th Annual Conference on Taxation.  Tampa Bay, Florida, USA.

    October 1, 2013. “ITCs and Retroactive Tax Planning: What Canada’s FCA Could Have Learned from the UK’s VAT System”. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Commodity Tax Symposium of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada.  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

    April 13, 2013. “Contractual Interpretation issues in Tax Law”. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Cornell Law School Inter-University Graduate Student Conference.  Ithaca, New York, Canada.   

    July 2008. Discussant of paper presented by Martha O’Brian, “Some Income Tax Implications for Canadians of the EU’s Free Movement of Capital Rules.” Tax Policy Symposium. School of Accounting and Finance, University of Waterloo, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Other Activities

    01/2021 – 10/2021, Treasurer,  Oxford University Canadian Student Society, Canada

    10/2020 – 12/2020, Contributing Writer and Creative Team Member, Cherwell,  University of Oxford

    10/2020 – 03/2021, Contributing Writer and Creative Team Member, The Oxford Student, University of Oxford

    03/1998 – 04/1998, Organizer,  Fundraising Art Exhibition for Student Scholarships, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    In their words: Student testimonials

    Dr. Amir has all the best qualities a teacher should possess.
    Rachael Sykes. Course: Business Tax Law. Deakin University

    Mr. Pichhadze not only displayed a great aptitude to lecture, but also demonstrated academic depth and interdisciplinary competence.
    Pedro Guilherme Lindenberg Schoue. Course: International Tax. University of Michigan Law School

    It was a pleasure to observe his enthusiasm and effectiveness as a lecturer. By using an innovative approach, Amir succeeded in making an otherwise complicated and technical topic appear simple and interesting to the class. He managed to do so by creatively engaging the class in his description of a Canadian case, which he used as an example to bring out and make his arguments. He had different members of the class assume different roles of the parties involved in the case. Thus Amir was able to engage the students directly, to have them follow the facts and issues, and keep them interested. The engagement of the students was evidenced by their responsiveness in asking questions and providing their own insight throughout the lecture.
    Poonam Khaira Sidhu, Principle Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Indian Revenue Service. Course: International Tax. University of Michigan Law School

    Dr. Amir Pichhadze kindly shared a thoroughly prepared and well illustrated research and analysis which was perceived with great appreciation by students.
    Stepan Lubavsky, Director of the Center of International Taxation, St Petersburg State University of Economics

    His knowledge and legal research skills are excellent. Additionally, he is a true inspirer who is always committed to his work and dedicated to helping his students. Throughout his advice and constructive feedback, not only is my thesis improved much better, but also my skills in legal research are developed.

    I still remember my first meeting with him to discuss my thesis, which I think is one of the best memories of my studying time in Australia. As through this meeting I was motivated and inspired to conduct my thesis, generally speaking. Dr. Pichhadze has changed my attitude towards my work. During the meeting, he inspired me with is own stories and experiences when researching in legal areas, he changed my attitude and guided me towards the bigger goals my thesis could achieve.

    Anh Thu Tran. Course: LLM Research Thesis Supervision. Deakin University

    “… it gives me immense pleasure to say that by far this is the unit in which I have learnt most. And all the credit goes to the unit chair Dr. Amir Pichhadze … he makes the subject and learning process so engaging that it made the whole process of learning very interesting while achieving the learning outcomes over the period of the trimester… he is one of the best teachers that taught us … he encourages his students to always do better and give their best. Moreover, he provided additional readings to help students understand certain complex aspects of the subject. Dr. Pichhadze devotes great amount of personal effort to his teaching in class and with his students as well. He tries to understand everybody’s problem and solve them accordingly. In my opinion, he made an outstanding contribution towards this unit through his teaching … It has been a profound honour to undertake this thesis under the supervision of Dr. Amir Pichhadze.
    Neha S. Course: LLM Research Thesis Supervision. Deakin Law School

    I was always able to understand the concepts he was explaining, Dr. Pichhadze was very approachable and willing to further explain any aspect of the unit I was struggling to grasp.

    Dr. Pichhadze displayed such commitment to ensuring my and my peers’ success that I am confident he would be a valuable asset to any institution and its students.

    Michelle Reichert. Course: Business Tax Law. Deakin University

    The one thing that impressed me the most is Mr. Pichhadze's ability to keep a class of above 25 US students fascinated with an unfamiliar (difficult) issue that most probably they will never get to encounter in their future private or professional life. Class being interesting, I believe, is highly important for a student.

    In my opinion, the reading assignments were carefully chosen. I found them spicy and helpful for understanding the lectures. I thought that the lectures themselves were clear and well organized.

    I liked the most the fact that our classes were not merely theoretical. Mr. Pichhadze has put together a set of problems which led to a better understanding, in practice, the theoretic materials taught in class and got it down to earth. This actually constitutes a big advantage when comparing this course to similar courses I took while in Israel.

    Mr. Pichhadze's devotion is to be seen easily. It was not once that I noticed that Mr. Pichhadze dedicated long hours after class to discuss unsolved and general issues with students, including myself.

    Mr. Pichhadze has a self-confident yet modest personality. To me, it seems that he didn't forget that few years earlier he was seating in our chair.

    Yuval Peled. Course: Consumption Tax Systems. University of Michigan Law School

    His presentation style managed to make the students understand the complicated facts of the case. He was also able to engage the students’ interest and critical thinking, as was evident from the questions that the students raised about the case and his proposed method of resolving the issue that faced the court. He was also very patient in responding to students’ questions and clarifications.
    Ma. Corazon Del Castillo. Course: International Tax. University of Michigan Law School

    One of the most impressive skills Dr. Pichhadze possesses is the ability to simplify complex concepts and communicate them in a comprehensible way… Dr. Pichhadze’s devotion to his students and their success is also highly noticeable. When students, including myself, struggle with certain concepts, Dr. Pichhadze does not hesitate to stay back after class and help with our worries… Dr. Pichhadze invests a lot of time in guiding us through the legal reasoning behind the answers. This allows us to have a better grasp of the content, and how to implement it in various situations. I am greatly enjoying Dr. Pichhadze’s teaching methods and I believe that he is a significant contribution to Deakin Law School. He is highly motivated, friendly, resourceful, and professional.
    Omri Solomon Mey-Tal. Course: Taxation Law. Deakin University

    Immediately in the classes, I could notice a passion for taxation in the way Dr. Pichhadze taught the class, including his delivery of the content. Even during what would be considered ‘dry’ content in the subject, he found a way to communicate the information in a way that was very interesting; for instance, being able to give more information regarding the Australian taxation system for businesses by comparing it to overseas systems. Not only did we learn about Australian taxation, but he also stemmed our interests into the international atmosphere of taxation.

    The way that Dr. Pichhadze ran the classes allowed for the best learning experiences for students. It would have been difficult, as the lectures and seminars were combined in the one session, lasting for a scheduled 3 hours each week. However, he managed to keep the students (myself included) interested in the content, and alert to questions based on the way he communicated the slides, and how the questions were asked (including follow-up questions). This assisted greatly in the learning experience, as it inspired me to do further research into taxation. …

    When it came to students having questions, his responses were very prompt; it was clear he knew what he was doing. His quick responses allowed for us (as students) to be able to approach the studying to the best of our abilities. There was no reason to half-study, as all of the information that we needed, and all of the questions that we had, were answered usually within the same day. This allowed for students (including myself) to constantly study at our full potential, getting the most out of the subject.

    Renee Derbyshire. Course: Business Tax Law. Deakin University

    Dr Pichhadze is constantly encouraging his students to aim for better achievements and to give all our effort to the project. He is always saying that what we are doing now is not just for passing the subject but for making change in our community, in our country and even with individual contribution, we can change the world.
    Phuong Nguyen Hoang Nguyen. Course: LLM Research Thesis Supervision. Deakin University

    As a postgraduate student, I witnessed his extraordinary contribution to teaching students well in Deakin Law School while utilizing his outstanding teaching abilities to improve the skills and strategies of students. I learnt exceptional research strategies and skills throughout the entire process of delivering my thesis. When students need his support, he was readily available for the students and provided timely feedback by offering invaluable advice.
    Prathibha Wimarshani. Course: LLM Research Thesis Supervision. Deakin University

    Having never taken a course dealing with taxes, I registered for this particular class in order to gain an introductory understanding of one segment of the study (as did many of my peers). I was initially nervous to be in a course I had no foundation in, however Mr. Pichhadze was not only understanding of my reservations, but constructed the course with this mind. It was evident that he put a lot of time in determining how the course could be best fleshed out in order for students to gain an understanding of a new topic, while still being challenged to think about the discourse in a critical way. For example, his reading assignments contained additional links for those who might have a particular interest in an issue. He also provided many case examples that allowed for multiple frames of references, which helped solidify ones understanding of the reading.

    In terms of the class structure, Mr. Pichhadze taught the course using Power Point to help facilitate his lectures. Prior to beginning his lecture, he provided us with outlines that explained what the lecture was going to cover, which I found to be very helpful. Each PowerPoint was structured in a very ‘student friendly’ way. By this I mean that they were clear, contained many examples, explained the assigned reading for the day, and flowed with the lecture. It was very evident that Mr. Pichhadze put a lot of time into these PowerPoints in order for them to be a guide and resource to the students. He knew his audience and prepared accordingly.

    Additionally, Mr. Pichhadze was very accommodating to the needs of the students. For example, I found it difficult to both listen to the lectures while also rushing to type out the important parts of the PowerPoint. I expressed this issue with Mr. Pichhadze, which he quickly resolved by posting the PowerPoints on Ctools. Another example would be Mr. Pichhadze’s willingness to speak to students both before class, right after class, and during the week via email. He always came to class a few minutes early and stayed a few minutes late which allowed for additional questions to be answered. Since the course has a paper option for a final, I emailed him some paper topic ideas. He was quick to respond with his opinion, attaching a number of articles that would help give me a good starting point for my research. I found this to be extremely beneficial and I appreciated that he took the time to respond with such a detailed answer.

    However, I think most importantly, I appreciate Mr. Pichhadze passion for the subject matter. It is very clear that Mr. Pichhadze has a concrete understanding of the topic and was well prepared to answer any of our questions and challenges. He catered his lectures in a way that helped breakdown this understanding in an interesting way in order for his students to not only learn the material, but to also develop a little passion for the topic as well.

    Sarah Jaward. Course: Consumption Tax Systems. University of Michigan Law School

    I have found Dr Amir Pichhadze to be an extremely cooperative, knowledgeable, approachable and eager Unit Chair. Dr Amir Pichhadze has been of enormous assistance when I have presented complex ideas to him, and he has helped me deepen the understanding I have of my chosen topic.

    Dr Amir Pichhadze has presented his ideas and concepts in an engaging and educated manner, allowing me to develop my understanding of the challenging legal concepts dealt with in this Unit by offering alternate and provocative perspectives. I am currently employed as a solicitor, and have found the skills I have developed while studying under Dr Amir Pichhadze to be of significant value in the workforce, as well as at an academic level.

    Angelo La Paglia. Course: LLM Research Thesis Supervision. Deakin University

    Amir has demonstrated his strong knowledge of the taxation topic. Amir provided great guidance when it came to statutory interpretation, and guided students to undertake research of the case law in conjunction to the statute. I felt confident to navigate this legislation after being assisted by Amir. Amir engaged with students in the class to ensure all students understood the content being taught, this demonstrated his care and passion for teaching in this unit.

    Amir demonstrated his competence to deliver this content during the tutorial. I attended all of Amir’s tutorials and experienced his knowledge of the unit. Amir prepared comprehensive PowerPoint presentations. These presentations provided hyperlinks to relevant legislation, outlines of key cases, and assisted students in understanding the framework behind the tax law legislation. Amir demonstrated his knowledge of the unit and provided comprehensive answers to the weekly questions.

    Amir assisted students to complete the weekly questions as part of the study guide. In doing this, Amir broke down each question into the relevant elements, and provided students with the opportunity to engage with the material. This assisted me in this unit, as I was able to develop the framework to apply the theory to practical questions …

    Declan High. Course: Taxation Law. Deakin University

    From the presentation it is obvious that Amir has an excellent knowledge of the problem of transfer pricing in general… It must be said that all the students that were present had had some introduction to transfer pricing concepts and resolution guidelines or/and had professional experience on the subject. In addition about half of them were international students, as myself, who come from countries with diverse law traditions. This always represents an extra challenge for the instructor.

    Amir was didactic. He used a recent Canadian case that was appealed until it reached the Supreme Court of Canada. He presented the facts and circumstances and the development of the case step by step, making sure that everything was understood by the audience. He used participative methods that unable the students to engage in the discussion, ask questions. …

    He managed to explain a relatively complicated case in manageable terms, in a limited timeframe, and was able to lead the class towards a fruitful discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of a decision of the Canadian Supreme Court.

    I have greatly enjoyed Amir’s presentation which was designed not only to underline the role that contractual law could have in the resolution of a transfer pricing cases, but more generally to show that transfer pricing cases and international tax laws cannot be understood fully in a vacuum, and require an understanding of other law disciplines, contract, civil, corporate, etc… and that independent jurisdictions remain a decisive factor in the resolution of transfer pricing cases.

    David Merrien. Course: International Tax. University of Michigan Law School

    Without exception, Mr. Pichhadze came to class incredibly prepared. The materials he used to supplement his lectures were color-coded, well-organized, and concise. Mr. Pichhadze's alacrity moved me to come to class more prepared and eager to engage. He often anticipated students’ questions and made available additional readings to those of us who struggled with the materials.

    Mr. Pichhadze also displayed an impressive ability to communicate difficult concepts simply. As the Consumption Tax course required no prerequisites, I confronted tax concepts for the first time. Mr. Pichhadze made accessible some of the most complicated legal concepts I encountered in law school. In fact, as the semester progressed, I found myself becoming interested in the subject and have since reoriented my professional focus. It was because of my interactions with Mr. Pichhadze that I decided to focus my career on  transactional work instead of litigation. […]

    I believe he is an excellent teacher and great person.

    Jacob Barde. Course: Consumption Tax Systems. University of Michigan Law School

    I am certainly impressed by his performance as an instructor. At first, I really struggled with the objectives and the structure of my thesis so I sought his advice. Thanks to his wide range of knowledge, great analytical skills and logical thinking skills, I was able to improve my outline considerably.

    Furthermore, Dr Pichhadze is always full of energy and enthusiasm. To be more specific, he is always ready to organise a private meeting to discuss with me about my thesis if I want. In addition, his ability to motivate student is also one of his most recognisable strengths. By using his thesis writing experience, he easily identified my challenges and encouraged me to overcome those obstacles. Besides, he seems to believe that his students can do their best under his guidance and it really boosts my confidence.

    Duc Trung Nguyen. Course: LLM Research Thesis Supervision. Deakin University

    The way he presented the case and relevant law was very interesting and illuminating. I think Mr. Pichhadze has demonstrated his ability to manage the complicated issues and at the same time, explain them clearly to students.

    The part I liked the most of his lecture was that he uses creative ways to present the facts of a complicated case. He invited students to play different roles as the parties in the transaction to get students involved in class discussion, stimulate creative thoughts and help students understand the background of the topic he presented. …

    As a student I could see that he really likes international tax law, as much as he enjoys teaching. He welcomed different thoughts from students and was willing to answer questions both in class and out of class. At the same time, he was able to control the class discussion and make sure it remained focused on the subject. I enjoyed his lecture very well and I am confident that he would be a great instructor in international tax law.

    Fiona Li Xu. Course: International Tax. University of Michigan Law School

    I felt that Amir was great. I learned a lot, and felt that the complex topic on transfer pricing was explained really well. Amir knows the subject matter very well and I would definitely like to attend more of his presentations. He is very enthusiastic, cares about students understanding of the subject matter, and is willing to explain problems.

    He brightly involved the class in his presentation and motivated the class to discuss issues on law and economic arising from his legal analysis. He is capable of managing complex material, and developing and expressing his argument and opinion. This has been clearly evident through his ability to comprehend complex legal principles with extensive background in international tax law.

    Sarbjot Singh Hayer. Course: International Tax. University of Michigan Law School

    It is my sincere pleasure to write … regarding my high esteem for Amir Pichhadze as a scholar and a teacher. I write as a student, having had the opportunity to attend Amir’s lecture on transfer pricing for my US International Taxation course.

    On first walking into the classroom, Amir surprised students expecting to spend the following eighty-five minutes passively listening to lecture. Within moments, he had assigned us all roles to play in mock scenario based on the facts in Queen v GlaxoSmithKline. I can say that I spent the lecture engaged and left having had the opportunity both to push my understanding of the subject matter and to put into practice my tax lawyering skills.

    Amir makes clear that he not only cares about the subject matter, but that he cares about being a teacher. He is at once approachable and professional. If I were a student at your university, I would gladly (and quickly) enroll in Amir’s lectures.

    Jordan Corrente Beck. Course: International Taxation. University of Michigan Law School

    Throughout the class. Amir demonstrated a strong and deep understanding of the material he was teaching. Although the law governing the VAT is quite complicated, Amir’s lectures laid everything out in a way that was clear and easy to understand, and he was always able to give comprehensive answers to our questions.

    It was also clear that Amir put in a significant amount of work to outside of class. He would post his lecture notes online at the end of each class. and I was very impressed with the level of clarity, detail, and organization in the notes.

    Finally. Amir always maintained a friendly and approachable demeanor in class, and l was never hesitant to ask him questions during or after class or to send him emails outside of class if something he mentioned was unclear to me. Together. Amir’s lectures, notes, and willingness to answer questions allowed me to gain an excellent understanding of the UK’s VAT, and I am confident that Amir would be able to bring a similar level of competence and enthusiasm to any educational institution.

    Andrew Xue. Course: Consumption Tax Systems. University of Michigan Law School

    His presentation was a crucial part of understanding the transfer pricing cases. In Uganda case law is a very significant tool for a lawyer (and am a great fan of cases). Comparative analysis of cases and jurisdictions is very important for a practitioner. And the minute differences in the reasoning of the judges matter a lot. Dr. Amir showed us the reason for differences in the results of the cases in different jurisdictions. This was important.
    Deus Mugabe Course: Transfer Pricing. LLM Tax Program at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)

    Amir has an inquisitive mind which meanders to explore the foundational tenets of tax laws.
    Tarun Jain. LLM in Taxation Classmate, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)